I have been asked by PENKER,
an EC shop in Taiwan, to start
selling some products.
Here is the website where the
products are sold.

In my studio,
Something creative is always brewing
I express and weave what I experience every day
and that touches my heart in various colers and shapes...
It is an invaluable place.



----- Work in progress-----


k a e
My name is kae, and I am a Japanese painter.
Born in Osaka Prefecture, I filled the
walls of my home with paintings from
childhood, and I believe colors have
the power to move people. Because of
my own experience of being unable to
move due to illness, I believe in the
power of the colors I see, and that
they have the power to heal others.
After graduating from high school,
I studied acrylic painting and commercial
design at a graphic design department.
I received commissions from the time
I was studying, and handled all kinds of
flyers containing my own pictures, business
card design, cardboard art and so on,
before pausing my activities due to illness.
Since 2017 I have started working again,
taking part in solo and group exhibitions
after being approached on Instagram.